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Call for Papers

Call for Papers

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        2025 5th International Conference on Autonomous Unmanned Systems (5th ICAUS 2025) will be held in Oct.17 to Oct.192025 in Shanghai, China. The conference offers a unique and interesting platform for scientists, engineers and practitioners throughout the world to present and share their most recent research and innovative ideas in the areas of unmanned systems, robotics, automation, and intelligent systems. The aim of the ICAUS is to stimulate researchers active in the areas pertinent to intelligent unmanned systems. ICAUS will feature plenary lectures, contributed and invited sessions, panel discussions, pre-conference workshops, oral presentation sessions and interactive sessions.The accepted papers of 5th ICAUS 2025 will be included in the SPRINGER and indexed by the EI Compendex.

The topics of interests include, but are not limited to:

1. Unmanned Aircraft Systems

2. Unmanned Ground Systems

3. Unmanned Surface/Underwater Systems

4. Space Unmanned Systems

5. Autonomous and Cooperative Control Technology of Unmanned Systems

6. Intelligent Environment Sensing Technology of Unmanned Systems

7. Navigation and Positioning Technology of Unmanned Systems

8. Communications and Networking Technology of Unmanned Systems

9. Architecture, Energy and Power Technologies of Unmanned Systems

10. Payload Technology of Unmanned Systems

11. Task and Effectiveness Evaluation Techniques of Unmanned Systems

12. Modeling and Simulation Technology of Unmanned Systems

13. Intelligent Information Fusion and Processing of Unmanned Systems

14. Multi-agent Collaborative Theory and Technology

15. Brain-computer Fusion and Hybrid Intelligence Technology

16. Artificial Intelligence Algorithm and Its Application in Unmanned Systems

17. Bionic Technology and Its Application in Unmanned Systems

18. Unmanned Systems Countermeasures Technology

19. Sociality of Unmanned Systems

20. Unmanned System Educational Platform, Mode and Practice

21. New Concept Unmanned Systems

22. Other Related Theories, Methods, Techniques for Unmanned Systems


Please prepare your paper in English using the Template (Microsoft Word/LaTeX style). If you have not yet started to write your paper, simply open the document splnproc1702.docm and overwrite its sample contents with your data. Use the buttons of the template’s custom ribbon to format additional elements. If you use copy & paste to transfer content from another document to the template, please note that the original formatting of the pasted text will usually be retained. You should select the pasted paragraphs and use the built-in macros to format them according to the Springer standard. More details could be find in the Download section (Microsoft Word Template).

Please submit the first draft of your paper through the website. A maximum of 10 pages per first draft are permitted. Detailed instructions for paper submission are available on the website.

Papers should describe original and unpublished work on the above or the related topics. All manuscripts will be reviewed by three members of the international program committee.


All the articles that submitted to 5th ICAUS 2025 and accepted by peer review will be published by Springer and indexed by EI Compendex.

Outstanding Papers will be recommended to 《Drones》(IF: 4.4) 、《Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems》(IF: 3.1)、《Electronic》(IF: 2.6) .

The Copyright Assignment Agreement (in the Download section) should be completed before publication. The authors need to complete it once the manuscript is finally accepted.

Security censorship of publication is required to submit. The policy requires that authors take full confidential responsibility on their publication.





